The medical knowledge of the oriental peoples
Philologemata medica, sive ad medicinam et res medicas pertinentia, ex Ebraea et huic adfinibus orientalibus linguis decerpta [...].
Halle, Johann Friedrich Grunert, 1758.
4to. (8), 54, (2) pp. All edges red. Modern blue boards.
€ 750,00
Only edition of this dissertation on oriental medical terminology. "The author is the theologian Michaelis [the father of Johann David Michaelis], who attempts to elucidate Hebrew terms by comparison with the Syriac, Arabic, and Ethiopian languages. He also discusses the medical knowledge of the oriental peoples, as well as Ecclesiastes 12:3-6" (cf. Choulant).
Trimmed a little closely at the lower edge with slight loss to printer's name, otherwise very well preserved.
Choulant 102. Meusel IX, 137f. Fürst II, 374. Lockot, Bibliographia Aethiopica 7660. OCLC 14330491.