Monumental French translation
[Al-Jami as-sahih]. Les Traditions Islamiques. Traduites de l'arabe avec notes et index.
Small folio (190 x 272 mm). 4 vols. (4), 682 pp. (4), XXV, (1), 649, (1) pp. (4), 700 pp. VIII, 676 pp. Modern green half leather over marbled boards with giltstamped title to spine.
€ 4.500,00
Monumental French translation of the great hadith collection known as the "Sahih al-Buchari", "in later times esteemed almost as highly as the Koran itself" (Brockelmann). It ranks as the first in importance of the six major canonical hadith collections, its authority and holiness surpassed only by the Holy Qur'an.
The French Arabist Octave Victor Houdas (1840-1916) taught at the École des langues orientales. His translation, the first complete edition, appeared within the "Publications de l'École des langues orientales vivantes", IVe série, vols. III-VI.
A few insignificant edge flaws, but on the whole a finely preserved set, uniformly bound in green half morocco. A milestone in French Islamic scholarship. Rare.
GAL S I, 261. OCLC 493784348.