United Nations - UNRWA. Annual Report of the Director of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East. Covering the period 1 July 1954 to 30 June 1955. General Assembly, Official Records: Tenth Session, Supplement No. 15 (A/2978).

New York, 1955.

4to (215 x 278 mm). IV, 37 pp., (3 blank) pp. With 3 folding maps (Annex I,1, I.2, I.3) inserted in the rear pocket. Original printed wrappers. Stapled.


Thorough report on the tireless efforts of UNWRA to provide relief to Palestine refugees since its establishment after the 1948 Palestine War, describing all aspects of the agency's work including general welfare, health service, nutrition, medical supply, edcuation, and self-support projects. This is the fourth such annual report altogether, the first having been issued in 1952. The discussion is illustrated by several tables showing the distribution of refugees per country of residence or the numbers of refugee children receiving education. In addition, the account features details on the agency's expenditures and future financial requirements.

While the first map is a more general sketch of the area showing boundaries and demarcation lines, the second and third maps show refugee camps and agricultural projects operated by UNRWA in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Gaza, and Sinai. Each map gives a summary of refugee populations both in and out of camps in Gaza, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria, their numbers adding up to a total of 905,986 persons.


Wrappers somewhat rubbed and creased, a few marginal flaws. Ballpoint underlinings on pp. 2 and 30.


ZDB-ID 773142-5. OCLC 643805553.

Art.-Nr.: BN#61133 Schlagwörter: , , ,