
Zeigt alle 37 Ergebnisse

  • Albmair, Teodoro. I quattro elementi spiegati in venticinque discorsi [...].Florence, 1668.

  • [Alchemical manuscript]. Alchemical manuscript on vellum containing a series of complex symbols, …Northern Italy, not before 1560s.

  • [Alchemical manuscript]. An alchemist's handbook, in German. Illustrated manuscript on paper.Germany, ca. 1480/90.

  • [Alchemie]. Ein Tractat von dem Lapide Philosophorum, darinnen kürtzlich begriffen …Wohl Deutschland, um 1650.

  • [Alchemie- und Malfarbenbuch]. Praeparationes variae aluminii calcinatio.Wohl Deutschland, um 1650.

  • [Alchemy]. "Opuscula Alchymica". Alchemical manuscript.Germany, 18th century.

  • [Alchemy - Persia]. Alchemical manuscript.Persia, ca. 1800 CE.

  • Apollonius of Perga. Conicorum lib[ri] V, VI, VII. Paraphraste Abalphato Asphahanensi nunc primum …Florence, 1661.

  • Arnaldus de Villanova (Pseudo-) et al. Compilation of alchemical texts, including the Rosarium philosophorum.Austria, possibly Schwaz, 1529 and ca. 1600.

  • Bacon, Roger / Hildenbrandt von Hildenbrandseck, Paulus (Hg.). Auriferae artis Das ist, Der Goldtkunst: Die man Chemiam nennt, Uhrälteste …Frankfurt a. M., 1597.

  • [Book Box]. An apothecary's secret storage box, concealed in a 17th century folio.Probably Germany, 19th century.

  • [Bracesco, Giovanni]. Jabir ibn Hayyan (Geber) / Lullus, Raimundus. De alchemia dialogi duo. Quorum prior, genuinam librorum Gebri sententiam, …Lyon, 1548.

  • Brunfels, Otto. Onomastikon medicinae.Strasbourg, 14 April 1534.

  • Burggrav, Johann Ernst. Biolychnium seu Lucerna. Cum vita eius, cui accensa est mystice vivens …Frankfurt, 1630.

  • Crügner, Michael. Chymischer Tannebaum, das ist: Beschreibung des Edlen Thanne-Baums Natur, …Dresden, 1650.

  • Digby, Kenelm. Eröffnung unterschiedlicher Heimlichkeiten der Natur [...], vornemlich …Frankfurt/Main, 1661.

  • Digby, Kenelm, natural philosopher and courtier (1603-1665). Autograph letter signed.London, 21.06.1637.

  • Digby, Kenelm. Eröffnung unterschiedlicher Heimlichkeiten der Natur [...], vornemlich …Frankfurt/Main, 1664.

  • Fogli, Aldebrando Luigi, Italian poet and abbot (fl. 1780-1790). Autograph letter signed.Rome, 13.01.1790.

  • [Gessner, Conrad; Pseud.:] Euonymus Philiater. Der erste (-ander) Theil, deß köstlichen unnd theuren Schatzes Euonymi …Sankt Gallen, 1582-1583.

  • (Grataroli, Guglielmo [ed.]). Verae alchemiae artisque metallicae, citra aenigmata, doctrina, certusque …Basel, 1561.

  • Hertodt von Todenfeld, Johann Ferdinand, German alchemist and physician royal (1645-1714). Autograph alchemical manuscript notebook.Probably Austria or Moravia, later 17th century.

    Auf Anfrage
  • Ibn Sallum, Salih ibn Nasrallah al-Halabi. Al-tibb al-jadid al-kimiya'i alladhi ikhtara'ahu Barakalsus [The New Chemical …Ottoman Provinces, 1 Dec. 1732 CE = 13 Jumada II 1145 H.

  • Ibn Sina (Avicenna). Al-Urjuza fi l-tibb [Poem on Medicine] and other medical and alchemical …Probably Ottoman Empire, ca. 1690s / late 17th century CE.

  • Ibn Sina (Avicenna), Raymond Llull (Lullius), etc. De alchimia opuscula complura veterum philosophorum, quorum catalogum sequens …Frankfurt, 24 March 1550 preface.

  • Jabir ibn Hayyan (Geber). (De alchemia). In hoc volumine de alchemia continentur haec. Gebri Arabis, …Nuremberg, 1541.

  • Jabir ibn Hayyan (Geber). Al-Durrah al-Yatimah [The Orphan Pearl on the Precious Art of Chemistry].No place Syria?, 20 Jan. 1756 CE = 17 Rabi II 1169 H.

  • Jildaki, 'Izz al-Din Aydamir al-. Nihayat al-talab fi sharkh al-muktasab [On the Cultivation of Gold].Egypt, 1880-1882 CE = 1298-1299 H

  • Morienus (Romanus). De transfiguratione metallorum, et occulta, summaque antiquorum philosophorum …Hanau, 1593.

  • Otto, Sigismund (ed.). [Medical manuscript]. Artznei Buch. 1590. Opusculum non magnarum, sed necessarium …Germany, 1590.

  • Pankl, Franz / Choler, Ignaz, SJ. Laurus poetica. Seu exercitationes metricae, quas ante quidem pro temporum …Wien, 1724.

  • Peter I, the Great, Czar of Russia (1672-1725). Autograph manuscript signed ("Petr").No place or date.

  • Philalethes, Eugenius [d. i. Thomas Vaughan]. Lumen de lumine Oder Ein neues Magisches Licht, geoffenbahret und der Welt …Hof, 1750.

  • Rhumelius (Rummel), Johann Pharamund. [Sammelband mit 11 Werken]: Compendium hermeticum. Prophylace medico-practica …Frankfurt, Tübingen, Nürnberg und o. O., ca. 1630-1635.

  • S[allwigt], G[regorius] A[nglus] (d. i. Georg von Welling). [YHWE] Tractatus Mago-Cabbalistico-Chymicus et Theosophicus, von des Saltzes …Salzburg, o. Dr., 1729.

  • [Schott, Kaspar]. Joco-seriorum naturae et artis, sive magiae naturalis, centuriae tres: …Bamberg, 1677.

  • Sharifi, Hakim Muhammad. Khawas al-Jawahir [The properties of gemstones].Persia, 1845 CE = 1261 H.


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