
Zeige Artikel 1–48 von 361 (Revolution)

  • [1848]. Herr Gschaftlhuber im Mirakelkeller. Ein Gespräch.Wien, 1848.

  • [1848]. Sammlung von diversen Tageszeitungen des Revolutionsjahres.Meist Wien, 1848.

  • [1848]. - Nowak, J. "Die Blume von Welbin und die beiden Freiwilligen. Eine zeitgemäße, lehrreiche …O. O., 1849.

  • Al-Gabhat aš-Ša'biya li-Tahrir 'Uman [i. e. Popular Front for the Liberation of Oman - PFLO]. Al-gazw al-irani li-'Uman fi 'amm-hu at-tani [transl.: The Iranian campaign …Aden, 1975.

  • [Algerian War]. Front de libération national Algerien. Aspects de la Révolution Algérienne.No place, ca. 1957-1958.

  • [American Presidents]. Washington, George, first President of the USA (1732-1799, served from 1789 to 1797), and three successors. Four signatures of Presidents of the United States.Wayne, New Jersey Headquarters, 11 July 1780 and undated.

  • Aragon, Louis, French poet (1897-1982). Autograph manuscript signed ("Aragon").Moscow, 1932.

  • Arnim, Bettina von, Dichterin (1785-1859). Eigenh. Brief mit U.O. O., 22.03.1850.

  • Augusta von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach, Kaiserin und Königin von Preußen (1811-1890). Eigenh. Brief.Berlin, 28.02.1848.

  • Bakunin, Michail Alexandrowitsch, russischer Revolutionär und Anarchist (1814-1876). Eigenh. Brief mit U ("M. Bakunin").London, 15.01.1861.

  • Barante, (Aimable Guillaume Prosper). Constitutionelle Fragen. Uebersetzt von Julius Cornet.Leipzig, 1849.

  • Bauernfeld, [Eduard von]. Genesis der Revolution. Die Bekenntnisse. Die Kriegslustigen. Politische …Wien, 1850.

  • [Becker, August]. Was ist ein Communist?Lausanne, 1844?.

  • Bennigsen, Alexandre; Wimbush, S. Enders. Muslims of the Soviet Empire. A Guide.London, 1985.

  • Biedenfeld, Ernst von, Regimentskommandant in der badischen Revolutionsarmee (1793-1849). Eigenh. Albumblatt mit U.Wien, 17.12.1821.

  • Blanc, Louis, French politician and socialist, founder of French social democracy (1811-1882). 1 autograph letter and 4 autograph letters signed.Brighton, Paris & Bellevue, 1865-1890.

  • Blind, Karl, German revolutionist and writer (1826-1907). Autograph letter signed.London, 15.06.1902.

  • Blind, Karl, Revolutionär und Publizist (1826-1907). Eigenh. Brief mit U.St Leonards-on-Sea, 14. VIII. o. J.

  • Blind, Karl, German revolutionist and writer (1826-1907). Autograph letter signed.London, 29.01.1889.

  • Blind, Karl, German revolutionist and writer (1826-1907). Autograph letter signed.London, July 25, no year.

  • Blind, Karl, German revolutionist and writer (1826-1907). Autograph letter signed.No place, March 25, no year.

  • Blind, Karl, German revolutionist and writer (1826-1907). Autograph letter signed.No place or date.

  • Blind, Karl, German revolutionist and writer (1826-1907). Autograph letter signed.London, 14.03.1878.

  • Blind, Karl, German revolutionist and writer (1826-1907). Autograph letter signed.London, 23.02.1883.

  • Blind, Karl, German revolutionist and writer (1826-1907). Autograph letter signed.London, 06.07.1882.

  • Blind, Karl, German revolutionist and writer (1826-1907). Autograph letter signed.London, 05.05.1884.

  • Blind, Karl, German revolutionist and writer (1826-1907). Autograph letter signed.London

  • Blind, Karl, Revolutionär und Publizist (1826-1907). Eigenh. Brief mit U.Hampstead, 18.02.1899.

  • Blind, Karl, Revolutionär und Publizist (1826-1907). Eigenh. Brief mit U.London, 05.04.1872.

  • [Blum, Ludwig von / Bequignolles, Hermann von et. al.]. Der Ehrliche Preuße. Sammlung von Gedichten aus der Neuen Preußischen …Berlin, 1848.

  • Bolívar, Simón, "El Libertador", liberator of South America (1783-1830). Autograph letter signed ("Bolívar").Bogota, 27.11.1828.

  • Braunthal, Julius. Geschichte der Internationale.Berlin & Bonn / Hannover, 1971-1974.

  • Breshkovsky, Catherine, Russian revolutionary (1844-1934). Autograph letter signed.Boston, 24.02.1905.

  • [British labour movement]. Collection of pamphlets.United Kingdom, 1839-1931 and no date.

  • Burtsev, N. L. Narodovolets. Sotsial'no-politicheskoe obozrenie. No. 1.London, April 1897.

  • Byron, George Gordon Noel, British poet and leading figure in the Romantic movement (1788-1824). 2 letters signed (as "Noel Byron, Pair d'Angleterre").Genoa, 1823.

  • (Cambacérès, Jean-Jacques-Régis de) / Langlès, Louis (ed.). [Majma' al-millah al-ma'ruf bi-ism Qunfansiyun Nasiyunal ila qawm al-Faransawi]. …Paris, an III 1794 / 1209 H.

  • [Carboni, Elisabetta]. Manifesto. Continuare la rivoluzione e andare sempre avanti.Rome, c. 1971.

  • Carlson, Evans, American officer and military observer (1896-1947). Autograph letter signed."Hq., 8th Route Army, Somewhere in Shansi", 20.12.1937.

  • Carlson, Evans, American military observer in China (1896-1947). Archive of an American military observer in China.China and California, 1939-1940.

  • Carlson, Evans, American Navy military observer in China (1896-1947). Typed letter signed.Hankou, 27.08.1938.

  • [Castro, Fidel, kubanischer Revolutionär und Politiker (1926-2016)]. Vintage Print von Fidel Castro und Ernest Hemingway.Marina Barlovento bei Havana heute Marina Hemingway, 15.05.1960.

  • [Castro, Fidel, Cuban communist revolutionary and politician (1926-2016)]. Photographic print.No place, 1959

  • [Castro, Fidel, Cuban communist revolutionary and politician (1926-2016)]. Photographic print (Vintage, signed by Luis Korda).Havana, no date.

  • ["Che" Guevara, d.i. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna, marxistischer Revolutionär und kubanischer Staatsmann (1928-1967)]. Photographie (späterer Abzug).O. O. u. D.

  • "Che" Guevara [i.e. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna], Marxist revolutionary, major figure of the Cuban Revolution (1928-1967). Typed letter signed ("Che").Havana, 25 August 1960, "Year of the Agrarian Reform".

  • ["Che" Guevara, i.e. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna, Marxist revolutionary, major figure of the Cuban Revolution (1928-1967)]. Photographic print, signed by the photographer ("Perfecto Romero").Havana, ca. 1960.

  • ["Che" Guevara, i.e. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna, Marxist revolutionary, major figure of the Cuban Revolution (1928-1967)]. Photographic print, dated and signed by the photographer ("Alberto Korda").Havana, original photo: 1960 / print: 1991.


Zeige Artikel 1–48 von 361 (Revolution)

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