Al-Qazwini, Zakariya Ibn-Muhammad / Ruska, Julius (ed. & transl.). Das Steinbuch aus der Kosmographie des Zakarija ibn Muhammad ibn Mahmud al-Kazwini. Beilage zum Jahresbericht 1895/96 der prov. Oberrealschule, Heidelberg.

Kirchhain (Niederlausitz), Max Schmersow vorm. Zahn & Baendel, 1895.

Small folio (212 x 277 mm). 44 pp. Contemporary blue half cloth over marbled boards.


Scholarly German translation of the lapidary of Zakariya al-Qazwini (1203-83), being the mineralogical section from the author's famous "Aja'ib al-makhluqat", which was hailed by Brockelmann as "the most valuable cosmography in Islamic culture" (GAL S I, 882).

The Heidelberg-based science educator Julius Ruska (1867-1949) studied ancient oriental languages to focus on the Islamic history of mathematics and science and later became professor at Heidelberg and Berlin. His sons Ernst and Helmut Ruska pioneered the electron microscope, for which invention the former received the Nobel Prize in Physics.

Well preserved.


GAL I, 481, no, 12. OCLC 28083936. Not in Sinkankas.

Art.-Nr.: BN#50858 Schlagwörter: , ,