Established in 1883 and considered the trade’s leading business in Austria ever since, we have been dealing in rare books, manuscripts and autographs for more than a century, serving private collectors and institutional customers all over the world.

What’s new: recent acquisitions

  • Johannes Paul II., Papst (d. i. Karol Józef Wojtyla, 1920-2005). Ms. Brief mit eigenh. U.Krakau, 10 Jun 1978.

  • Cooley, William Desborough. Inner Africa Laid Open.London, 1852.

  • Liciniana, Mateo Alonso de, Saint, Spanish Dominican missionary in Vietnam (1702-1745). Autograph document signed. Co-signed by Saint Francesco Gil de Frederich …Tonkin Hanoi, 19 Jun 1744.

  • Caciotti, Ugo. Delle voci, termini ed altre notizie militari.Florence, 1632/1639.


What’s available: our stock, updated daily

What’s gone: some recent sales

  • San Román de Ribadeneyra, Antonio de. Historia general de ly Yndia Oriental. Los descobrimientos, y conquistas …Valladolid, 1603.

  • Ptolemaeus, Claudius [translated by Angelus, Jacobus, edited by Germanus, Nicolaus]. [Russia, Black Sea] Octava Europe tabula.Ulm, 16 Jul 1482.

  • [Astronomy]. Astronomical manuscript in Arabic.No place, late 18th century ca. 1785 CE / 1200 H.

  • Blanckenhorn, [Prof. Dr. Max]. Die Hedschaz-Bahn auf Grund eigener Reisestudien.Berlin, 1907.
