Established in 1883 and considered the trade’s leading business in Austria ever since, we have been dealing in rare books, manuscripts and autographs for more than a century, serving private collectors and institutional customers all over the world.

What’s new: recent acquisitions

  • Friedrich II., der Große, König in Preußen (1712-1786). Brief mit eigenh. U.Berlin, 3 Dec 1742.

  • [Dubai - photograph album]. [Photo album - Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum].Iraq, ca. 1975.

  • Freud, Sigmund, Austrian neurologist, founder of psychoanalysis (1856-1939). Autograph letter signed ("Freud").Vienna, 14 Oct 1933.

  • Eccleston, John. Jerusalem Photographic Album.Newark, NJ, 1865.


What’s available: our stock, updated daily

What’s gone: some recent sales

  • [Ludwig Salvator]. Wintertage auf Ithaka.Prag, 1905.

  • [Palestine]. Album fotografico delle principali vedute della Palestina con apposite …Turin, 1870s, at least before 1878.

  • (Harsdörffer, Georg Philipp). Vollständig vermehrtes Trincir-Buch, Handlend: I. Von den Tafeldecken, …Nuremberg, 1654.

  • Nieuhof, Johannes. Die Gesantschaft der Ost-Indischen Geselschaft in den Vereinigten Niederländern, …Amsterdam, 1669.
