Liszt, Franz, composer (1811-1886). Autograph letter signed ("F. Liszt").

No place, 6 June 1861.

8vo. 2Β½ page on bifolium.


Pretty letter to Baron James de Rothschild about wine. "Your magnificent spirits - especially the incomparable Segestano - cannot fail to comfort my foolish mind. Allow me to thank you for this gift with all the obliging and affectionate feelings you know me with and for which it will always be a pleasure to give you all the musical and personal proofs". Obliged to leave the next day, he regrets being unable to "come and pay my sincere respects and tributes to Madame la Baronne de Rothschild, in her Versailles in Boulogne. In spite of this setback, I will not keep less vivid memories of her gracious hospitality" (translated from the French original).

Counter-leaf slightly spotty.

Stock Code: BN#52755 Tag: