45 guilders for Michael Haydn's first composition

Diabelli, Antonio, Austrian music publisher, editor and composer (1781-1858). Autograph receipt signed ("A. Diabelli").

Vienna, 5 Nov. 1842.

Folio. ½ p.


"Receipt for fl. 45 C.M. (forty-five guilders convention coinage) which I have received in cash for a manuscript by Mich. Haydn (first mass) from the Imperial and Royal Court Library" (transl.). Diabelli had studied composition under Michael Haydn in Salzburg. The "Missa in honorem Sanctissimae Trinitatis [D-Dur] à 5 Voci: 2 Sop., Alto, Ten. è Basso conc., 2 Violini, Viola, 2 Clarini, [Violoncello], Tympano con Organo" (MH 1), composed in 1754 by the 17-year-old Haydn, was acquired by the Court Library in 1842; its successor, the Austrian National Library, still preserves the 80-page manuscript, shelfmarked Mus.Hs.15589 Mus.

Old registration marks. Folded horizontally; slight duststaining to margins.

Stock Code: BN#35276 Tag: