[Du Fouilloux, Jacques]. Adeliche Weydwercke. Das ist, aussführliche Beschreibung vom Jagen, darinnen nach Beschaffenheit und Underschied deß hoch- und kleinen Wildbräts [...] umbständlich gehandelt wird [...].

Frankfurt a. M., Johann Wilhelm Ammon & Wilhelm Serlin, 1661.

4to. (20), 258, (2) pp. (lacking engraved title-page). With 87 woodcuts in the text. Contemporary blindstamped half calf over marbled boards with handwritten spine title.


Important and popular work on hunting. Based on the 1590 German translation of the famous "Vénerie" by the French nobleman Jacques du Fouilloux, this edition "adopted the complete text [...] without alteration, but supplemented it with extracts from the 'Neuw Jag vnnd Weydwerck Buch' (1582) [and] the book 'Jägerkunst und Waydgeschrey'" (cf. Lindner). The present edition as well as the one from "1699 are limited to hunting, and the treatise on falconry which is included in the 'Neuw Jag und Weydwerck Buch', 1582, is not reprinted in these" (Schwerdt). The woodcut illustrations, created by the famous engraver Jost Amman, were repeated from the latter. They mostly show eventful hunting scenes, portraying the huntsmen on horseback or on foot, accompanied by their hounds (some repeats). The woodcuts on the final leaf depict Diana, the goddess of the hunt, on the back of a stag (recto) and alongside a dog (verso).

Ownership of M. G. Eördegh, first lieutenant in the Ferenc Gyulay infantry regiment, dated March 31st, 1769 to the pastedown. Remains of several seals and corresponding names of other military staff to the lower pastedown. Wants the engraved title-page. Light wear to spine. Paper somewhat brownstained, margins waterstained in places; edge defects to the first few leaves. From the library of the Viennese collector Werner Habel, with his signed and stamped ownership, dated 1978, to the pastedown.


VD 17, 23:000440M. Lindner 11.0533.03. Schwerdt I, 29f. Souhart 12. Cf. Graesse I, 621; Ebert I, 624; Thiébaud 313; Fromm 7589 (all citing the 1590 translation).

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