(Julius II, Pope). Bulla super sententia privationis in publico consistorio facte per s.d.n. contra d. Ber. Carvaialem, Guillermum Brizonettum et Franciscum de Borgia olim S.R.E. cardinales ad futuram rei memoriam.

[Rome, Etienne Guillery, likely October 1511].

4to. (12) ff. With the woodcut Papal arms on the title-page. Modern half vellum over marbled boards.


Papal bull deposing Cardinals Bernardino Carvajal, Guillaume Briçonnet, and Francesco Borgia for having convoked the schismatic second Council of Pisa. After the death of Julius II and the election of Leo X in 1513, the surviving rebel cardinals apologized and were once more received into the church.

According to the HAB Wolfenbüttel, the author was Adriano Castellesi (1458-1518). The printer is identified by F. Barberi, Tipografi romani del Cinquecento (S. 49).

Some waterstaining throughout; an old handwritten shelfmark to the title-page (trimmed).


Edit 16, CNCE 51375.

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