Johann Hartwig Ernst, count of Bernstorff, German-Danish statesman (1711-1772). Autograph letter signed “Bernstorff”.

N. p. [Copenhague], 5. VIII. 1754.

4to. 1 p. on bifolium.


To a fellow diplomat and friend, bidding him farewell and expressing his hope for a swift return: "Rien ne me console de votre départ que la promesse que vous me faites de votre prompt retour. Recevez je vous supplie tous mes vœux pour le bonheur de votre voyage et faites-moi la justice de croire qu'il est impossible de rien ajouter à l'attachement infini avec lequel j'ai l'honneur d'être [...]". The recipient was probably leaving Copenhague for Stockholm, as Bernstorff included a letter for Carl Fredrik Scheffer and sent greetings to a Count of Esteblodt, as specified in a short postscript: "Aussi je vous supplie de faire tenir à S.E. le Baron de Scheffer l’incluse, et d’assurer de mes respects S. E. Mr. le C. d’Esteblodt en cas qu'il me fit l'honneur de se rappeler mon souvenir".

Count Bernstorff undoubtedly met Scheffer as his Swedish counterpart during his time as Danish ambassador in Paris (1744-50). In 1751, King Frederick V made Bernstorff his foreign minister, a position he retained until 1770. His biggest political success was the protection of Danish neutrality during the Seven Years' War (1756-63).

Carl Fredrik Scheffer (1715-86) had been Swedish ambassador in Paris from 1743 to 1746. After his return to Stockholm, he served as chancellor and financial advisor to the Swedish Kings. His most important position, however, was as preceptor to the future King Gustav III from 1756.

Traces of folds. Well preserved.

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