Inscribed by the author

Rathjens, Carl. Die Pilgerfahrt nach Mekka. Von der Weihrauchstraße zur Ölwirtschaft.

Hamburg, Robert Mölich, (1948).

8vo. 144 pp. Numerous maps and half-tone illustrations throughout the text; a folding map at the end of the volume. Publisher's printed boards.


Only edition of this study of the Hajj by the German geographer Carl August Rathjens (1887-1966), a pioneer in the research of Southern Arabia and Yemen. His present work doubles as an investigation of the Incense Trade Route (which even at the time of writing was fast morphing into an oil economy) and the commercial history as well as cultural context of the Arabian Peninsula. A rare work, published very soon after the ravages of the Second World War. Inscribed by the author on the flyleaf to the Swedish-German entrepreneur Henrik Scherlag (1894-1968): "S[einem] l[ieben] Scherlag in Gedenken an viele Unterhaltungen v. Verfasser. Hamburg, den 2. Nov. 48".