Established in 1883 and considered the trade’s leading business in Austria ever since, we have been dealing in rare books, manuscripts and autographs for more than a century, serving private collectors and institutional customers all over the world.

What’s new: recent acquisitions

  • Gaubil, Antoine, Jesuit missionary, astronomer, and historian at the Imperial Court in Beijing (1689-1759). "Catalogue Chinois des Étoiles". Autograph manuscript.Beijing, 1734.

  • Husami al-Din Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Akhsikathi. Al-Husami [Al-Muntakhab fi Usul al-Madhhab].Uzbekistan or China, 1385 CE = 787 H.

  • Muammar Al-Gaddafi, Libyan revolutionary and politician (1942-2011). Portrait print signed.No place or date.

  • Ibn Hassan, Omar. Prayers and excerpts from the Qur’an copied by ‘Omar ibn Hassan.Sudan, 19th century CE.


What’s available: our stock, updated daily

What’s gone: some recent sales

  • San Román de Ribadeneyra, Antonio de. Historia general de ly Yndia Oriental. Los descobrimientos, y conquistas …Valladolid, 1603.

  • Haydn, Joseph. Ariana a Naxos. Cantata a Voce Sola. Accompagnata col Clavicembalo o Forte-Piano.London, Juni 1791.

  • [Portuguese Mission in Asia]. Compendio historico dos seminarios da India, e Makao, regidos pelos padres …No place, 1800-1805.

  • Blanckenhorn, [Prof. Dr. Max]. Die Hedschaz-Bahn auf Grund eigener Reisestudien.Berlin, 1907.
