Established in 1883 and considered the trade’s leading business in Austria ever since, we have been dealing in rare books, manuscripts and autographs for more than a century, serving private collectors and institutional customers all over the world.

What’s new: recent acquisitions

  • Gaubil, Antoine, Jesuit missionary, astronomer, and historian at the Imperial Court in Beijing (1689-1759). "Catalogue pour la lune et les 5 planètes". Autograph manuscript.Beijing, 1735.

  • Sauvaget, Jean. Les Monuments historiques de Damas.Beirut, 1932.

  • Villers, Charles de, philosopher (1765-1815). Autograph letter signed.Lübeck, 7 Dec 1808.

  • Chacón, Alfonso. De signis sanctissimae crucis [...] tractatus.Rome, 1591.


What’s available: our stock, updated daily

What’s gone: some recent sales

  • Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, Dichter (1749-1832). Autographa.Weimar, Dezember 1811.

  • [Ludwig Salvator]. Wintertage auf Ithaka.Prag, 1905.

  • Luther, Martin, Theologe und Reformator (1483-1546). Eigenh. Brief mit U. ("Martinus").Veste Coburg, "feria quinta post Equinoctium autumni" = 15. IX. 1530.

  • Wittgenstein, Ludwig, Austrian philosopher (1889-1951). Autograph picture postcard signed.Cambridge, 28. II. 1929.
