Turbatus imperii Romani status, eiusque origo et causa. Hoc est: Informatio circa praesentes imperii discordias, earumq[ue] authores. A. P. A.
O. O. u. Dr., 1615.
(72) SS. Geheftet. 8vo.
€ 140.00
Seit 1613 schon mehrfach aufgelegte anonyme katholische Streitschrift; ein Vorbeben des Dreißigjährigen Krieges: "Among the pamphlets of the period, the Catholic 'Turbatus imperii Romani status' (1613) excited extraordinary attention, by tracing the unhappy divisions in the Empire to the irruption of heresy into its system, and latterly to the insatiable determination of the Calvinists to share in the benefits of the Religious Peace; and the Union at its Nürnberg meeting in the following year resolved to issue a quasi-official rejoinder" (A. W. Waud, in: Cambridge Modern History IV, 1, 4).
Teils etwas angestaubt (Titel stärker); erste und letzte Bll. gelockert.
VD 17, 14:053140T.