[Carlo Felice da Milano]. Cenni biografici e ritratti di padri illustri dell' ordine Capuccino sublimati alle dignità ecclesiatiche.

Rome, G. A. Bertinelli, 1850.

4to. 3 vols. Half-title, engr. frontispiece, t. p. with engr. vignette, 168 pp. Half-title, t. p. with engr. vignette, 143 pp. Half-title, t. p. with engr. vignette, 181, (2) pp. With 102 engr. portraits. Original printed wrappers.


Complete biographical memorial work of the Capucines lists all Italian members of the order from 1570 to 1850 who were cardinals, archbishops, bishops, and apostolic vicars. The portraits are done by the Roman engraver Luigi (Aloisio) Cunego (1750-1823, cf. Thieme/Becker VIII, 196) and G. Mochetti.

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