Ottani, Gaetano. Libro primo di cartelle dedicate a sua altezza reale il signor Duca di Savoja inventate e disegnate da Gaetano Ottanni Bolognese pittore e musico tenore accademico clementino.

No place, 1766.

Folio (c. 485 x 335 mm) XVI ff. and printed dedication (to Carlo Emanuele III) with engr. initial.


Fine series of decorations with elaborate cartouches and emblems, some including architectural or marine designs. The Bologna painter Gaetano Bernardino Ottani (1736-1827), long active in Turin, created the stage decorations of his native city's Teatro Formagliari in 1742.

Plates mostly engraved by Dionisio Valesi, others by Pietro Peiroleri and Angelo Ghizzardi. Margins occasionally wrinkled and fingerstained (especially t. p. and dedication). Wants the two portraits engraved by Ghizzardi. Rare; the San Francisco State Univ. Library copy wants the dedication; the OCLC record linked by Princeton and Harvard states one portrait and two plates as missing.


Ornamentstichkat. Berlin 592. Guilmard, Les maitres ornemanistes (Paris 1880), S. 334. OCLC 34976429 u. 27192168. Cf. N. Aprà, Dizionario enciclopedico dell'antiquariato (Milano 1969), s. v. Thieme/Becker XXVI, 86.