Costumes in colour

[Jessen, Heinrich Trachten aus Alt-Hamburg.

Hamburg, B. S. Berendsohn, Wilhelm Jowien, and others, 1850].

With 50 hand-coloured full-page plates (c. 200 x 125 mm) heightened with egg-white, (44 lithographs, 3 engravings, 3 wood-engravings), of which 33 are after drawings by Heinrich Jessen. Contemporary blindstamped decorated red cloth, front cover with title lettered in gold.


Charming colour plate book mainly with military costumes. Some of these plates were published earlier in F.G. Buek's "Album hambürgischer Costüme", 1843-1847. The plates depict messenger boys, maidservants, a police officer, several military men on horseback, etc.

Hinges weak, top and lower part of spine damaged. Coloured costumes in good condition.


Colas 1547. Hiler 479. Lipperheide 809.

Stock Code: BN#26628 Tags: , , , ,