Tyndall, John, Irish physicist (1820-1893). Autograph letter signed.

Evolena, 3 Aug. 1867.

Large 4to. 2 pp.


A long and interesting letter to a Mrs. Steuart, describing in poetic detail his alpine adventures in the month before, difficulties posed by the weather, climbing tactics, views of the glacier etc.: "[...] For a time we turned our faces to the ice slope and went backwards, carefully fixing the feet in every step, for the slope was so steep that we had no margin for slipping. The snow slopes, now softened by the sun, had also to be crossed with great care; for here a slip might detach a considerable quantity of the snow & then carry us down to the precipice on a kind of avalanche. Certainly it was not a place for inexperienced persons; but all three of us had great experience in the Alps, so that after a magnificent excursion of 15 hours we found ourselves again on the summit of the Wengern Alp [...]".

Somewhat faded along edges and folds; edges frayed.

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