Reyer, Ernest, French composer and music critic (1823-1909). 6 autograph letters signed, 2 autograph visiting cards signed, and 1 autograph lettercard signed.

Paris, Le Lavandou, Marseille, and n. p., 1876 and n. d.

Various formats. Altogether 14½ pp. With one autograph envelope.


Interesting correspondence with the journalist and music critic Charles Vincens in Marseille, comprising valuable information on Reyer's chef-d'œuvre Sigurd well ahead of its premiere at the Brussels Opera in 1884. In the postscript of the earliest dated letter from 18 November 1876, that is otherwise of personal nature, Reyer mentions that the overture of Sigurd is orchestrated with "4 flutes (3 at least) and 2 harps" and that it will only be published after the premiere, also announcing an upcoming performance of extracts from Sigurd by Gabrielle Krauss with the orchestra of Jules Pasdeloup and a performance of the overture: "Quant à l'ouverture de Sigurd pour laquelle il faut 4 flûtes (3 au moins) et 2 harpes - elle n'est pas gravée et ne le sera pas avant la représentation de l'ouvrage.

Mad. Krauss chant de Dimanche en huit chez Pasdeloup le fragment qu'elle a chanté au Conservatoire l'hiver dernier - l'ouverture sera jouée cette année par la Société des Concerts.

Already on 19 November 1876, Reyer wrote Vincens again to thank him and others for congratulating him, certainly on being elected to the Académie des Beaux-Arts in succession of Félicien David on 11 November 1876.

In a letter from La Lavandou dated only "jeudi", Reyer informs Vincens that he has received his "interesting article on Berlioz" and informs Vincens that he had tried to visit him in his office in Marseille that was unfortunately closed.

In a letter dated "jeudi", written from Marseille, Reyer proudly confirms to Vincens that a dedication copy of the "overture of Sigurd" for Jules Pasdeloup has been acquired by Jean-Baptiste Weckerlin and is now in the library of the Paris Conservatory: "C'est bien de l'ouverture de Sigurd qu'il s'agit. Je l'ai écrit à l'instigation de Pasdeloup et lui en ai offert le manuscrit avec une belle dédicace. Le manuscrit acheté par Weckerlin est aujourd'hui (honneur suprême !) dans la bibliothèque du Conservatoire.

The other cards and letters are to thank Vincens or schedule meetings.

Occasional stains and traces of former mounting. Well preserved.

Stock Code: BN#31157 Tag: