Letter with 32 signatures from members of the Association des Artistes peintres, sculpteurs, architectes, graveurs et dessinateurs.
Folio. 2 pp. Bifolium with engraved letterhead.
€ 4,500.00
As a committee member of the group of artists to Madame Bonjean, who is appointed an honorary member for her generous donation to the Association. The Association des Artistes (called the Fondation Taylor) was created in 1844 by Isidore Justin Séverin Taylor and is today one of the most important institutes supporting artists and their work. Beside Taylor and Ingres, the present letter bears the signatures of e. g. Alexandre des Bar, Edouard Cibot, Léon Cogniet, Alexandre Couder, Alexis Daligé de Fontenay, Adrien Dauzats, Antoine-François Gelée, Jean-Louis Nicolaus Jaley, Charles Victor Eugène Lefebvre, Augustin François Lemaître, Jean-Baptiste Cicéron Lesueur, Mathieu Roland Meusnier, Pierre Justin Ouvrie, Alexis-Joseph Pérignon, François-Édouard Picot, Louis René Lucien Rollet, Georges Rouget, Louis-Henri de Rudder, Louis Soulange-Teissier, Julien Vallou de Villeneuve, and Horace Vernet.
Rather strong damage to edges and spotty. An extraordinary document of the famous Association des Artistes.