Marc, Franz, German painter and printmaker, one of the key figures of the German Expressionist movement (1880-1916). Autograph letter signed ("Fz. Marc").

Sindelsdorf, 18 April 1914.

Large 4to. 3¼ pp. on bifolium. Stamped letterhead, ruled paper.


Fine letter to Hugo Ball (1886-1927), who was working then as a dramaturg at the Munich Kammerspiele. Marc refuses to realize a theatre project under their current circumstances: "I would rather wait until we can really create something new, with our own ensemble and with perfect freedom of movement. Otherwise, nothing solid comes to pass. Then we would have to engage Kokoschka, Kandinsky, Klee, and Macke, and as musicians we must get the Schoenberg circle (Schoenberg, Webern, Berg and others) [...]".

Furthermore, Marc mentions the Russian painter Vladimir Georgievitsch Bechteev (1878-1971), a member of the Neue Künstlervereinigung München ("Munich New Artist's Association"), who was friendly with the "Blaue Reiter" ("Blue Rider"). Bechteev was involved in the theatre project discussed by Hugo Ball, which fell apart, as did other plans with members of the "Blue Rider". In 1914, he went back to Russia, and was called up to the army. After WWII, he worked as a set designer and illustrator.


Franz Marc. Briefe, Schriften, Aufzeichnungen (Leipzig 1989), p. 95.

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