A copper astrolabe made in al-Andalus

Sauvaire, H[enry] / J. de Rey-Pailhade. Sur une mère d'astrolabe Arabe du XIIIe siècle (609 de l'Hégire) portant un calendrier perpétuel avec correspondance musulmane et chretienne. (Extrait du Journal Asiatique).

Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 1893.

8vo. 125, (1) pp., final blank f. With 2 double plates and several tables, diagrams and illustrations in the text. Original printed wrappers.


First separate edition of this rare study in Islamic astronomy, describing a copper astrolabe made in Seville in 609 A.H. (1212/13 A.D.) by Muhammad ibn Fattouh al-Khamairy.

Occasional brownstaining, still a very good, clean copy, uncut and untrimmed.


Creswell 604. OCLC 17716842.