Hungarisch-Türkische Chronik. Das ist: Curieuse un[d] dabey kurzgefaßte Beschreibung alles desjenigen, was sich vom ersten grausamen Kriegs-Zug der Türken, wider das Königreich Hungarn, und derselben Könige, bis auf gegenwärtige Zeit, Merk- und Denkwürdiges zugetragen.
Frankfurt, Leipzig & Nuremberg, Loschge & Froberg[er], 1684.
12mo. (2), 956 pp. With double-page-sized folding frontispiece, 15 (3 folding) engr. plates, and folding engr. map. Contemp vellum.
€ 4,500.00
This lavishly illustrated chronicle of the Turkish wars shows numerous views of cities and battles, including Constantinople and the 1683 siege of Vienna, as well as various scenes of torture and several portraits of military leaders. A second edition was published in 1685, with larger maps and plates. A second and third volume were produced in 1686-88.
Evenly browned throughout, as common: insignificant worming near end. Formerly in the Ottoman collection of the Swiss industrialist Herry W. Schaefer.
VD 17, 75:699267S. Sturminger 972. Kelenyi 216. Cf. Apponyi 2705. Gugitz 569a. Not in STC or Horvath.