Jackson, James Grey. An Account of the Empire of Marocco, and the District of Suse.

London, W. Bulmer, 1809.

Large 4to. XVI, 287, (1) pp. With 11 (5 folding) aquatints and 2 folding engraved maps. Modern marbled half calf, bound to style.


First edition. "For sixteen years, Jackson lived in various parts of Morocco, where he tirelessly collected information on this country as well as on the interior of North Africa, including intelligence regarding commerce and trade routes to Timbuktu, and about that city" (cf. Henze). The plates show views as well as the local flora and fauna. The final addendum contains a brief list of phrases in the local dialects, including "Have you a horse?" and "camel", "dates", etc.

Slight brownstaining, but a good copy. Formerly in the Ottoman collection of the Swiss industrialist Herry W. Schaefer.


Abbey 296. Gay 1248. Henze II, 696. Graesse III, 441. Cf. Brunet III, 477 (3rd ed.).