The Mahmal en route to Mecca

[Illustrated broadsheet - Hajj]. Pilgrimage from Cairo to Mecca.

[Weißenburg, Burckardt, c. 1880/90].

Stencil-coloured lithograph. 42.5 x 63.7 cm. Framed (77:63 cm).


An extremely rare illustrated broadsheet showing the procession of the Egyptian Mahmal en route from Cairo to Mecca, with a colourful reception of a group of pilgrims in an Egyptian desert village. The Arabic caption states that the print was made from a drawing made on the spot by Sheikh Yunus, citing Hassan Uwais in Abidin Road, Cairo, as the publisher. The true publisher, Camille Burckardt in Weißenburg, is not named: it was company policy to obscure the European provenance of these broadsheets so as to to improve their sale potential in the Middle East. All of these prints are very rare; another copy of this print commanded £21,250 at Sotheby's in 2012.


Des Mondes de Papier 120.

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