A foundation document of balneotherapy in Austria

Maria Theresia, Empress of Austria (1717-1780). Document signed.

Vienna, 9 Sept. 1780.

Ca. 720:560 mm (unfolded). Ink on vellum, 2 guilders stamp.


A foundation document of balneotherapy in Austria: a privilege issued only months before her death, to the physician Pasquale Joseph Ferro (1753-1809, a native of Bonn), for the building of a therapeutic cold water bath in Vienna's Brigittenau suburb.

Somewhat duststained. Counter-signed by Count Heinrich Blümegen and Count Josef Auersperg as well as Johann Wenzel von Margelick; note by the registrator Mariophilus von Leißner on the reverse. Three holes punched for the cord; wants seal. Folded.

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