Botero, Giovanni. La seconda [terza, quarta] parte delle relationi universali.

Brescia, appresso la Compagnia Bresciana, 1599.

4to. 3 parts in one vol. (8), 227, (1) pp. (12), 268 pp. (8), 112 pp. With 3 woodcut printer's devices to title pages and 9 engraved maps in the text of part one. 17th-century vellum mit ms. spine title.


First Brescia edition.

Second, third and fourth volume of this famous geographical treatise by Giovanni Botero (1544-1617), with the map of Arabia on p. 173 and a map of Persia (including the north-eastern coast of the Arabian Peninsula) on p. 133. Originally conceived as a statistical examination of the ecumenical propagation of Christianity, in subsequent editions the work gradually expanded until it formed a comprehensive repertory of anthropology and geography, with systematic accounts of the physical properties, demographics, economic resources, military power, and political constitution of all states of the world.

Wants the first part, which would have formed a separate volume (536 pp.). Vellum damaged at lower edge. Interior shows some browning with occasional worming to margins; a few contemporary marginalia.


BM-STC Italian 122. Adams B 2559. Edit 16, CNCE 7301.