Libro [...] del modo di conoscere i buoni falconi, astori, e sparavieri, di farli, di governarli, & medicarli [...].
12mo. 136, (8) pp. With woodcut title vignette and 10 woodcuts in the text.
(Bound with) II: Carcano, Francesco. Dell'arte del strucciero con il modo di conoscere, e medicare falconi, astori, et sparavieri, e tutti gli uccelli di rapina. Ibid., 1607. 82, (2) pp. With woodcut title vignette and 7 woodcuts in the text (2 full-page).
(Bound with) III: Manzini, Romano. Ammaestramenti per allevare, pascere, & curare gli uccelli. Ibid., 1607. 58, (2) pp. With woodcut title vignette and 8 woodcuts in the text. Contemporary limp vellum with faded ms. title to spine. Traces of ties. Stored in 18th century two-part custom-made calf slipcase ruled in blind with coloured paper lining.
€ 8,500.00
Fine sammelband containing three classic Italian works on hawking, falconry, and the care of birds. I: "Well-known book" (Schwerdt), first published in 1547. The English author Turberville drew heavily on this work for his famous "Booke of Faulconrie or Hauking".
II: "A small book on hawking, by a practical falconer" (Schwerdt).
III: "The second edition of a book on bird catching and the care of birds. The first edition was published at Milan by Pacifico Pontio in 1575 and must be rare" (Schwerdt). "This little book relates solely to cage-birds [...] It is usually bound up with the books on Falconry by Francesco Carcano and Federico Giorgi, and might be supposed to relate to that subject" (Harting).
Slight marginal waterstain mostly confined to the beginning and end of the volume; another, more prominent, in the lower gutter of final leaves. Occasional browning, but altogether a good copy of this collection of rare works in a contemporary binding, well-preserved in its attractive slipcase.
I: Schwerdt I, 207. Souhart 217. Cf. Harting 143f.
II: Schwerdt I, 94. Harting 142. Cf. Souhart 86.
III: Schwerdt II, 7. Souhart 315. Harting 147.