With two frequently lacking plates containing woodcut discs

Lullus, Raimundus. Opera ea quae ad adinventam ab ipso artem universalem, scientiarum artiumque omnium brevi compendio, firmaq[ue] memoria apprehendendarum, locupletissimaque vel oratione ex tempore pertractandarum, pertinent [...]. Editio postrema.

Strasbourg, Lazarus Zetzner, 1651.

8vo. (16), 1109, (41) pp., final blank. With 3 folding tables, 1 cut-out plate, and numerous woodcut diagrams in the text.

(Bound with) II: Alsted, Johann Heinrich. Clavis artis Lullianae, et verae logices duos in libellos tributa. Ibid., 1652. (8), 150 pp. With several woodcut diagrams in the text and a cut-out plate. Contemporary vellum on 3 bands with ms. spine title and traces of ties.


Last of Zetzner's four collected editions, as usual including Alsted's "Clavis". Contains not only Lull's works and other writings ascribed to him, but also works by other authors, such as three treatises by Giordano Bruno ("De specierum scrutinio", "De lampade combinatoria Lulliana" and "De progressu & lampade venatoria logicorum") and a commentary by Agrippa of Nettesheim on Lull's "Ars brevis".

With all three folding plates and the frequently lacking plates showing woodcut discs, intended to be cut out and mounted over the woodcuts in the text.

Binding somewhat rubbed. Variously browned throughout due to paper; insignificant edge defects to title page. A good copy from the library of the classical scholar and polymath Abraham Jakob Penzel (1749-1819) with his autograph ownership ("Teschiniae a. d. III. Non. VIIbris MDCCLXXXXII") on front pastedown; his bibliographical notes on the flyleaf.


I: VD 17, 1:064275P. Rogent/D. 233. NLM 17th cent. 7187. BL (German books) L 1230. Ferchl 327. Duveen 372. Brüning 1801. Palau 143.678. Salvestrini (Bruno) 4. Cf. Wellcome I, 3908. Dorbon Ainé 2793. Ferguson II, 49.

II: VD 17, 1:064288T.

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