Barthes, Roland, French philosopher and semiotician (1915-1980). Typed letter signed.

Paris, 18. III. 1972.

1 p. 4to.


To [Madame Irma Antonetti of the Italian Cultural Association (Associazione Culturale Italiana) in Turin]. Barthes excuses himself for his late reply and explains that he had to leave Paris which complicated his mail. He gladly accepts the invitation to give a lecture tour according to the programme that Madame Antonetti has indicated. Barthes says that they could fix the date of this tour, if she liked to (as for his part he would prefer the tour to take place at the earliest or at the latest possible in 72-73 due to his university obligations in Paris). "Quant au sujet de la conférence, votre connaissance du public pourrait m'aider à le préciser et vos suggestions à cet égard seront les bienvenues" ("Regarding the subject of the lecture, your knowledge of the public could help me to define it and your suggestions on the topic will be very welcome"). Barthes ends his letter by thanking Madame Antonetti for her confidence and by sending his respectful greetings to her.

On headed paper; with punched holes (not touching text).

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