Trade treaties between the Habsburgs and the Porte

[Collection of treaties relating to commercial transactions of subjects of the Austrian state in the Ottoman Empire]. Avusturya devleti tebaasinin Memalik-i Osmaniyede ticaretlerine ait mevadd-i ahdiyye mecmuasidir.

Vienna, Dar tiba' al-imberaturiyy (k. k. Hof- und Staatsdruckerei), 1846.

Large 8vo. 88 pp. Printed in black with red headings, within printed gilt rules. Illuminated head-piece and 'unwan printed in three colours and gilt, in imitation of manuscript illumination. Gilt tail-piece. Contemporary green morocco binding with fore-edge flap, covers giltstamped with an oriental design. All edges gilt.


The full text of 19 trade treaties, in Ottoman Turkish throughout, closed between the Roman/Austrian and the Ottoman Empire between 1110/1699 (Peace of Karlovac) and 1259/1844. An Italian-language edition had appeared in 1844 ("Raccolta dei Trattati e delle principali convenzioni concernanti il commercio e la navigazione dei sudditi Austriaci negli Stati della Porta Ottomana").

Occasional insignificant foxing; altogether very well preserved. A splendid copy bound for the Austrian Imperial printing office.


Zenker, BO II, 805.

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