Anleitung zu Temperaturberechnungen, für diejenigen, welche in dem arithmetischen Theile der Musik keinen mündlichen Unterricht haben können; ins besondere aber für die Besitzer des Kirnbergerschen Werkes: Die Kunst des reinen Satzes etc.
8vo. VIII, 572, (28) pp. (tables, index, errata and list of available works). Contemporary blue wrappers as issued.
€ 2,800.00
Extremely rare publication, the author's last theoretical work to appear in print. "The comprehensive 'Anleitung zu Temperaturberechnungen' [was] written with the most scrupulous scientific exactitude (it was printed by 1806 but, owing to the political situation, did not appear until 1808). In it he described in terms readily comprehensible to specialist and layman alike all the systems of equal, unequal and approximately equal temperament in use at the time, and subjected them to close critical examination without, however, pronouncing in favour of any particular one" (New Grove). There are also copies with the imprint "at the expense of the author" on the title. The German theorist and composer Türk (1750-1813) was also a notable organist and music professor.
Old stamp to title-page. Slighly foxed. An untrimmed copy, binding somewhat frayed along edges, occasional slight edge flaws.
Eitner IX, 469. New Grove XIX, 267. MGG XIII, 952. Not in Wolffheim.