Engels, Friedrich. Ludwig Feuerbach und der Ausgang der Klassischen Deutschen Philosophie. Revidirter Sonder-Abdruck aus der "Neuen Zeit". Mit Anhang: Karl Marx über Feuerbach vom Jahre 1845.

Stuttgart, J. H. W. Dietz, 1888.

8vo. III-VII, 72 pp. Contemporary half calf.


First separate edition, revised from a review of C. N. Starcke's book on Feuerbach which Engels had published in the "Neue Zeit" IV (1886). An influential treatise, constituting an important step towards the philosophical system of dialectic materialism within Marxism-Leninism, containing the first printing of Marx's propositions on Feuerbach, "the first document in which the ingenious seed of the new world view is sown" (cf. p. VII). The article was meant to provide a brief, comprehensive account of Marx's and Engels's position toward the philosophy of Hegel, as well as a previously lacking appreciation of their early debt to Feuerbach. In the present form, equipped with the author's new preface, Dietz would publish the essay in no fewer than eight editions until 1922.

A good copy without the half-title.


Rubel (Appendix) 97 (note). Emig, Dietz-Vlg. A 44. Stammhammer I, 72, 6. Neubauer 336. Schwarz 180.

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