Important mediaeval geography of the Middle East: first separate printing
Albulfedae tabula Syriae cum excerpto geographico ex Ibn Ol Wardii geographia et historia naturali. Arabice nunc primum edidit, latine vertit, notis explanavit Io. Bernhardus Koehler.
Leipzig, Schönermarck, 1766.
Large 4to. (70), 240 pp. Contemporary half calf with giltstamped spine label.
€ 3,500.00
First separate edition of this important medieval geography of the Middle East, concentrating on Syria. Printed in Latin and Arabic parallel text; edited with an extensive commentary by the versatile oriental scholar J. B. Köhler (1742-1802).
Abu'l-Fida, born in Damascus in 1273, was a historian, geographer, military leader, and Sultan. The crater Abulfeda on the Moon is named after him.
Insignificant browning throughout as common; contemporary ownership (1840) to front pastedown.
GAL II, 46. Ebert 29. Hamberger/Meusel IV, 189. ADB XVI, 444.