Weill, Kurt, German-American composer (1900-1950). Autograph letter signed ("Kurt").

[New York], 12 Sept. 1946.

4to. 4 pp. on 2 ff. In German.


To the German scenographer Caspar Neher (1897-1962), discussing the situation in postwar Germany: "I can imagine how difficult it must be for you all, after everything you experienced in the last years, to become accustomed to a carefree country. You were, after all, cut off from the world for years, and thus are somewhat in the position of an islander who visits the mainland after many years of absence and whose first reaction is a longing to return to his island [...] But we live in an age of transition, and only in several years will one know what is to become of Europe - and whether the world will return to normal conditions [...]" (transl.).

Occasional light staining.

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