Icones ad zootomiam illustrandam. Das Skelet der Krokodilinen, dargestellt in zwanzig Tafeln zu Erleichterung des Selbststudiums; sämmtlich nach der Natur gezeichnet, in Zink gestochen und erläutert.
Vienna, Wilhelm Braumüller, 1862.
Folio (334 x 420 mm). (2), VIII, 48 pp. With 20 zincographic plates, the final one supersized and folded several times, all with tissue guards intact. Publisher's half cloth with printed boards and giltstamped spine title.
€ 950.00
Rare study of the crocodile's skeleton by the Austrian physician and anatomist C. B. Brühl (1820-99), a pioneer of comparative osteology and a champion of women's rights. Sigmund Freud writes that it was his hearing Brühl's reading of Goethe's "Die Natur" that persuaded him to enter medical school.
Binding rubbed; some foxing throughout, but well-preserved.