[Baudeau, Nicolas]. Idees d'un citoyen sur la puissance du roi et le commerce de la nation dans l'orient.

Amsterdam, 1763.

8vo. 40 pp. (With:) De la dépense des deniers publics, & de la méthode la plus assurée d'y mettre de la clarté, del'ordre & de l'economie. 40 pp. Contemporary marbled wrappers.


First and only edition. One of the rarest works by Badeau (1730-92), an advocate of physiocracy: a plea for free trade with Asia and Africa, with suggestions for the administration of the Compagnie des Indes. While the book is complete with 40 pages in spite of ending on p. 40 with the catchword 'Chapitre II' (all known copies - BnF, BSB, Univ. de Poitiers, Bibl. Sainte Genevieve, Minist. Affaires étrangères - have 40 pages), a "Chapitre II" was published separately under the title "De la dépense des deniers publics". This extremely rare additional chapter, comprising another 40 pages, is present here, being loosely inserted at the end of the volume. While it for its part bears the catchword "Chap. III" on its final page, no such third chapter is known to have appeared.

An untrimmed copy.


Kress 6073 (40 pp.). INED 282 (a similar copy, but bound with the third part of the quoted book). Not in Goldsmiths' or Einaudi.