First edition of this pharmaceutical treatise in the Arabic tradition

Dupuis, Guillaume (Puteanus). De medicamentorum quomodocunque purgantium facultatibus, nusquam anteà neque dictis, neque per ordinem digestis libri duo [...].

Lyon, Matthias Bonhomme, 1552.

4to. (8), 179, (1) pp. With woodcut printer's device to title-page and numerous woodcut initials. Contemporary limp vellum with remnants of ties.


Extremely rare: the first edition of this pharmaceutical treatise by the elusive physician Guillaume Dupuis (fl. 1536-51) from Blangy in northern France but long settled in Grenoble. "Il [...] exerca longtemps la médicine avec une grande réputation [... et] était en même temps professeur à l'université de cette ville" (Hoefer). The work was republished in 1554, with a treatise by Cousinot, under the title "De occultis pharmacorum purgantium facultatibus". Like most of its kind, it draws heavily on Galen and the Arabic tradition of Mesue; p. 105 refers to the use of Aloe among the Arab physicians.

Browning and dampstains throughout; numerous ink annotations to endpapers and throughout; occasional worming, mainly confined to margins. Several paper flaws to the edges. Binding wrinkled and rubbed.

Provenance: Several near-contemporary ink ownerships by the pharmacist Joseph Nicolau (including in the device and the first initial); additional 18th century ink ownerships by Luís Ferrari.


BM-STC French 145. Wellcome 5300. Ferchl 428 ("Leiden" in error). Baudrier X, 223. Gültingen VIII, 95, 158. Hoefer XV, 367. Not in Durling, but NLM WZ 240 ("Imperfect: p. 177 mutilated"). OCLC 14307014. Not in Waller or Osler.

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