Epistole Angeli anachorite Vallisumbrose Iulio Secundo pont. max. Francorum regi Bernardino tunc cardinali sancte Crucis. Pro Christiana unitate servanda.
4to. (4) ff. With the woodcut Papal arms on the title-page. Modern half vellum over marbled boards.
€ 850.00
Probably only edition of these five missives to Pope Julius II and his antagonists, the deposed cardinal Bernardino Carvajal and Louis XII of France. The jurist and abbot Angelus Anachorita Vallombrosa (1455-1530) authored a number of polemics, including several against Savonarola.
Year of printing taken from the date of the last letter ("VIII Kal. Nov. 1511" = 25 October 1511). Printer supplied from A. Tinto, Gli annali tipografici di Eucario e Marcello Silber (1968); Edit 16 (CNCE 1854) and British Museum state Giacomo Mazzocchi in Rome and G. S. di Carlo da Pavia in Florence as other possible printers.
A slight waterstain in the margin throughout with slight edge damage. Old shelfmark in brown ink to title-page; date at the end annotated in sanguine. Very rare.
Edit 16, CNCE 1855. BM-STC Italian 29. Halle (Newe Zeitungen) 66. Not in Adams.