Muslims and Spaniards fighting off the coast of Andalusia
Breve relacion de la refriega que la Capitana Real de Espana con otras quatro galeras de su guarda, ha tenido con una nao grande de cossarios de Argel [...].
4to. (4) pp. With 2 woodcut vignettes. Sewn.
€ 1,200.00
Extremely scarce pamphlet on a naval battle in the Mediterranean near Cabo de Gata (Andalusia). It describes the destruction of a ship of corsairs from Algiers by the Spanish vessel "San Pedro" on 7 January 1621, killing 70 men. The victory proved important for the Spaniards, as the surviving corsairs provided them with useful intelligence, including information regarding the deployment of 30 Algerian vessels in the area, all seeking to rob other ships. However, the Ottomans were ignorant of any Royal Navy galleys which the Spanish suspected in the area, rather presuming them near Mallorca or Sardinia.
Large Jesuit woodcut vignette to the otherwise blank final page. Somewhat browned. Near-contemporary foliation in ink (205-206), suggesting the work was originally part of a larger volume. No copies traceable in libraries worldwide.
Not in OCLC.