Written five days before the outbreak of the Great War

Schiele, Egon, painter (1890-1918). Autograph letter signed.

Villach, Hotel Goldenes Lamm, 23 July 1914.

8vo. 1 page on a bifolium. In German.


To his patron, the Viennese lawyer and collector Alfred Spitzer (1861-1923): "Ich habe bis zur Stunde leider noch nicht Nachricht ob und wieviel an Geld [ich] von Goltz und einem Kunsthändler in Dresden, von denen ich einiges erwarte, bekomme; - was also mit den Zahlungen geschehen wird, die ich diesen 25. leisten soll, weiß ich nicht, - jedenfalls werde ich sobald ich etwas bekomme augenblicklich meine Pflicht tun. Sollte dies aber nicht eintreffen! könnten Sie, selbst nicht für mich dies bezahlen? - wir würden uns schon ausgleichen mit einem kleineren Bild [...]" ("Unfortunately, I have so far not received any notice as to whether and how much money I shall be having from Goltz and an art dealer in Dresden, from both of whom I expect not insubstantial sums; - hence, I do not know what will happen regarding the payments that I am to make on the 25th inst., - in any case I will do my duty immediately upon my receiving anything. But failing that - could not you pay this for me, yourself? - I have no doubt but we should find a way to settle accounts through a smallish canvas [...]", transl.). Indeed, the expected payment arrived the next day, when Schiele received 100 marks from Hans Goltz, his art dealer in Munich.

One small ink smudge and a few creases, otherwise in excellent state of preservation.

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