Autograph calling card.
52, Rue de Douai [Paris], no date.
Calling card format. ½ page.
€ 140.00
To an admirer about an alleged first edition of his volume of poems "La Chanson des Heures", published by Gervais Charpentier in April or May 1875, suggesting he contact the editor for the exact date: "La chanson des Heures a paru, pour la première fois, dans la bibliothèque Charpentier, en 1875 (avril au mai, mais le renseignement exact vous sera donné chez l'Editeur [...]".
An edition of "La Chanson des Heures" prior to 1878 could not be traced, nor does the full title of the 1878 edition ["La Chanson des heures, poésies nouvelles (1874-1878)"] suggests a prior edition. However, extracts of the work might have been published as early as 1875.
Traces of former mounting; somewhat fingerstained.