Autograph postcard signed ("J. Brahms").
Oblong 8vo. 1 page. With autograph address.
€ 7,500.00
To Gustav Ophüls, telling him where to find his folk songs, "namely in Nicolay's Almanack, as well as in Kretzschmer and Zuccalmaglio's collection". For some songs Brahms does not know the source: "Erlauben Sie in aller Kürze: meine Volkslieder finden sie zum größten Theil in Nicolay's feinem Almanach u. in Kret[z]schmer's und Zuccalmaglio's Volksliedersammlung (je 2 Theile) für einige (z. B. 'Erlaube mir', 'In stiller Nacht') weiß ich keine gedruckte Quelle [...]".
The pianist and music critic Gustav Ophüls (1866-1926) was director of the district court in Düsseldorf and published a collection of texts set to music by Brahms ("Brahms-Texte. Vollständige Sammlung der von Johannes Brahms componirten und musikalisch bearbeiteten Dichtungen", 1898). In 1921 he also published his memoirs of Brahms ("Erinnerungen an Johannes Brahms").
In perfect condition.