Author's presentation copy: "for services rendered to good sanitary construction"

Nightingale, Florence. Notes on Hospitals.

London, Longman, Green, et al., 1863.

4to (200 x 264 mm). IX, (3), 187, (1) pp. With 13 folding engraved plans and maps, 3 folding tables. Publisher's original cloth with giltstamped spine title, bound by Edmonds & Remnants with their label to lower pastedown.


Author's presentation copy of the third edition, inscribed on the day of publication to the influential London architect and journalist George Godwin (1813-88) on the title-page: "Geo. Godwin Esq. / in gratitude for the services he has / rendered to the cause of good / sanitary construction / Florence Nightingale / London, Dec. 14 1863".

When 'Notes on Hospitals' first appeared in 1859, in much briefer form than here, it was "immediately greeted by George Godwin as essential reading for architects, who were advised to 'obtain the volume and master it'" (Mark Bostridge, Florence Nightingale, p. 337f.). As editor of 'The Builder', Godwin expanded its scope to include sanitation, social issues, and other subjects. He wrote on slums and promoted the use of public baths, wash-houses, charitable housing trusts, and pavilion-styled hospitals. His architectural works, centred around Kensington and Chelsea, include The Boltons, Elm Park Gardens, and St. Luke's Kensington. The 1863 edition of "Notes on Hospitals" was "massively augmented and rewritten that it is effectively a new book" (McDonald).

Spine and joints professionally restored. Old paper label on spine.

Provenance: 1) George Godwin (presentation inscription); 2) front pastedown has bookplate of James O'Byrne (1835-97), the Liverpool-based architect whose library was dispersed at Christie's in 1987.


Lynn McDonald, Florence Nightingale and Hospital Reform (2012), p. 79. Cf. Garrison/Morton 1611 (citing the 1859 first edition).

Cat. no.: 37 Catalogue: 2023 New York Antiquarian Book Fair