16th century astronomical manuscript
Tawdih al-Tadhkirah.
8vo (130 x 218 mm). Arabic manuscript on paper. (375) pp., 19 lines per extensum. Written in neat black naskh, emphases picked out in red; catchwords. With numerous tables and diagrams, one in red and black. Contemporary brown leather binding with stamped ornaments.
€ 65,000.00
A 16th century commentary (sharh), profusely illustrated with diagrams, on Naziraddin al-Tusi's "at-Tadhkira an-Nasiriya", a general outline of astronomy, originally written in Persian. Composed by the Persian Sunni scholar Nizamaddin ibn Muhamad an-Nisapuri (d. 1328/29), who was known as a mathematician, astronomer, jurist, Qur'an exegete, and poet. His teacher Qutb al-Din al-Shirazi had himself been a student of al-Tusi's. An-Nisapuri wrote the present commentary in 711 H (1311 CE).
Binding rather rubbed. Marginal notes throughout; colophon with partial date "14 Jumada II". Scattered minor wormholes, but overall in good condition.
GAL I, 511, VI, 40 b.