Guyon, Georges, French actor (1809-1850). 2 autograph letters signed and 1 autograph note signed.

N. p. o. d.

8vo and oblong 12mo. Altogether 5 pp.


In a letter to Charles Desnoyer, then manager at the Comédie-Française, Guyon asks him to read a play by a M. Lucas, possibly Hippolyte Lucas, in his stead, as he has to join his wife at a reading of Antony Beraud's play "Le Miracle des roses" at the Théâtre de l'Ambigu: "Je vous prie de lire pour moi le répertoire [...] auprès de M. Lucas. Je ne puis assister à la lecture de sa pièce c'est aujourd'hui qu'on lit Élisabeth de Hongre à l'Ambigu ma femme joue le rôle d'Élisabeth. Il faut que je sache si ce rôle lui convient ou non".

The letter can be dated to 1844, when Émilie Guyon (1821-78) did indeed play the role of Elisabeth of Hungary in "Le Miracle des roses" at the Ambigu.

The second letter is to thank a critic for an article on Guyon's tour of Toulouse.

In the note, Guyon apologizes to an old friend for not having been able to obtain better seats for him: "Mon cher vieux je n'ai pu vous placer que là excusez moi ce sont les meilleures places que j'aie eues".

Georges Guyon had his debut at the Comédie-Française in 1840 as an understudy for Joanny and was made sociétaire the same year, which had been his condition. In 1843, he married his first cousin Émilie Guyon. His most important role was that of Magnus in Victor Hugo's "Les Burgraves". In 1849, Georges Guyon was forced to retire from the stage due to sudden loss of memory; he died the following year at the age of 41.

The letter to Desnoyer on stationery of the Comédie-Française. Slightly creased and minor foxing.

Stock Code: BN#59656 Tag: