Typed letter signed with few autograph corrections.
8vo. 1 page.
€ 280.00
To the musician Frederick Allan Wilshire (1868-1944). Newman is unable to provide information on Wagner Societies in England and gives an outline of the work that preoccupied him at the time: "I am glad to hear of the formation of your Wagner Society, and wish it good luck and long life. I don't know whether there are any other Wagner Societies still in existence in England. I would suggest your asking the Musical Times [...] I have completely given up lecturing: I have about a dozen books on hand, and I have had do give up every form of activity that draws upon the time I need for these. It seems a long while now since we heard the 'Ring' in Bristol. These were great days! [...]". In 1931 Newman had published his work "Fact and Fiction about Wagner".
With embossed letterhead.